Coloured Pencil Chronicles | Great British Art Party, Commissions, and Upcoming Tutorials

Episode #82

In this episode of It's A Bonny Old Life, Bonny looks back on the events of November.

Bonny shares some of the drawings she has been working on this month, including a new tutorial for her Ignite members and explains how this month she has changed the formatting of her tutorials to help provide more options for her students. She also shares some of the exciting tutorials she has planned for the new year.

She also talks all about the biggest event of November, her Great British Art Party! She discusses how she came up with idea, all the planning that went into the event, and the wonderful experience she had on the day, as well as sharing some exciting news about the next one!

To keep up with Bonny's coloured pencil life, make sure you're following her on social media. You can find her on YouTubeFacebookInstagramPinterest and TikTok. You can also sign up to her weekly newsletter for regular tips and inspiration here

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