The Story of a Full-time Artist | Coloured Pencil Chronicles

Episode #91

In this episode of It's A Bonny Old Life, Bonny shares her story of becoming a full-time artist.

Bonny shares how she became a full-time artist, by making her drawing a priority, believing in herself, making a business plan, and most importantly continuing to develop and work on herself.

She discusses the ways she has made her commission business successful, shares the key to long-term success, pricing your artwork and some of the traps it’s easy to fall into when taking on commissions. She talks about her marketing plan, the importance of delegating, and how she has avoided burn out.

Bonny also discusses how she started teaching people to draw with coloured pencils, what a typical day for her now looks like and her goals.
To keep up with Bonny's coloured pencil life, make sure you're following her on social media. You can find her on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok. You can also sign up to her weekly newsletter for regular tips and inspiration here.

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