Hello, I'm Bonny Snowdon, ex-corporate person, and mother turned successful artist entrepreneur. It wasn't that long ago though that I lacked the confidence, vision, and support network to focus on growing my dream business. Fast forward past many life curve balls, waves of self-doubt, and so many lessons learned. And you'll see Ignite my thriving online coloured pencil artist community,
a community that changes members' lives for the better, and gives me freedom to live abundantly whilst doing what I love and spending quality time with my beloved family and dogs, all whilst creating my best artwork with coloured pencils and mentoring others to do the same. But this life wasn't always how it was for me. It used to only exist in my imagination. I've created the,
It's A Bonny Old Life podcast to help increase people's confidence, share mine and my community's experience, and hope through fascinating personal stories, champion the other amazing humans in my personal, professional, and membership community, and create another channel through which I can support others to realize their dreams. If you're a passionate coloured pencil artist or an aspiring one who's looking to create their best work and a joyful life you love,
you are in the right place. Grab a cuppa and a custard cream, let's get cracking.
So as per usual, my month has been crazily busy. This is a much shorter roundup than usual because I'm just so tired. So sit back, have a very small cup of tea and only one biscuit because it is short. And listen to what I've been up to in May.
Hi everybody. So this is gonna be a little bit shorter than usual. Normally my roundups kind of ramble on and I give you all of this information and the stuff that I've been doing, but because this month has been so busy and so chaotic, quite frankly, I'm absolutely exhausted. I'm just so tired. So it started off the beginning of May,
I flew out to San Francisco, which was amazing, the most beautiful, beautiful city. We were over the Golden Gate Bridge. We were the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge in a place called Mill Valley, and I can only describe it as Yorkshire on its best day. It was just lovely green, hilly, nice and gentle breeze. It was really,
really lovely. And I had the most fantastic time amongst brilliant people. I even got to, I've talked about one of my favorite authors before Benjamin Hardy, and I actually got to meet him and I actually got to give him a hug, which was like, just so exciting. So I've been to San Francisco, which was brilliant. Quite a, a whistle stop tour.
Came back and then really struggled with my sleep because I woke up really tired, kind of got myself through the day, and then by the end of the day, I was wired and didn't wanna go to bed. So that's been something that I've been struggling with a little bit. It's, it is amazing how, you know, the different time zones.
I mean, it's jet lag, isn't it? But it did take a while to get it all sorted out. We then kind of went very swiftly into coloured Pencil Week, which was last week, and that was absolutely amazing. I mean, it was, it was brilliant. It was kind of on, not on the surface, but, you know,
people joining me for live streams. It was all beautifully professional and lovely, and I can only describe it as a swan swimming looking graceful and professional and fabulous on, on the surface. And underneath our legs, were going 10 to the dozen as we were trying to sort everything out. It was, it was b it was busy. So we had 3000 people sign up for colour pencil week as l as as well as all of our fabulous Ignite members joining us as well.
We put a a a hub together, it looked fantastic streamed through YouTube, and I was using a, a new software, which enabled me to run some videos and all of that kind of thing, which was made it so professional and it was relatively easy to use. There were a few hiccups on my end because of course, tech for a 50 something woman,
well, any person can be a bit, can be a bit of a nightmare. But yeah, we had the most fantastic week. It was, it was just so good getting people drawing and, and because, because it wasn't something that people would get keep forever, it meant that people actually got down to doing the drawing, which was my, the,
the whole point of colour pencil week was to get people drawing. And they did. And they created the most amazing, amazing drawings. We ended up Saturday and Sunday last week, drawing an otter, and it was just brilliant, absolutely brilliant. And then the doors open to Ignite as well. And we've had lots of lovely new members. We, again,
it is brilliant. We can start helping them grow their, grow their techniques and their skills and everything in the colour pencil world. So all in all, it's been a really, really busy month. I have been drawing in between, I'm still working on my cowgirl. It will be finished for next month for June's Roundup. I think I've been drawing it for over a month now.
It's the biggest drawing I've done to date. It's the most complicated drawing I've done to date. And it was only done as a test to use some new paper. So that's how that's going. And, and I'm actually, I'm really, really loving the paper. I've also got some new shelves up in my studio, so I've managed to get all my books and everything done.
I'm still having building work done, so we're just kind of waiting for that to come to an end. And yeah, June gonna be busy again. I'm flying out to Amsterdam, which is gonna be exciting. I'm there for six days and I've got some fabulous tutorials coming as well. And then I've got something really, really special up my sleeve that's coming,
well, a couple of things up my sleeve that's coming very soon. Oh, and then actually talking about rambling on and everything. One of the things that I purchased recently was a remarkable, remarkable two. And if you are somebody who likes writing and has countless amounts of notebooks, and as soon as you write the note and you turn the page, that note is basically forgotten.
And then you, and then you end up writing it out like, you know, a huge number of times. The remarkable is a, an electronic notebook, and it feels like paper, so when you're writing on it, it feels like paper. It's not like writing on an iPad or something like that. And, and it's purely for note taking.
So I bought myself one of those and I'm absolutely loving it. So I've got all my little folders with all of the different bits and pieces in, so I will never lose my notes again, you know, through the countless notepads that I've got. So that was kind of my new purchase this month, which yeah, it's, it's been, it's been really good and I'm really enjoying using it.
Anyway, so I told you it was gonna be really speedy. Normally it's about 20 minutes, and I normally I show you stuff, but honestly, I just wanna go to bed and go to sleep. Yeah, I think I, I'm, I get really energized by my, by my drawing. And I, and I love doing it when I have to do all of the admin that drains me completely.
And you know, we've just had a long weekend. I've been doing all of the admin over the weekend. I'm not moaning, you know, all I'm saying is I'm just drained now. I'm just, yeah. So thank you all for listening. Much shorter than usual and next month will be back to me rambling on and showing you all sorts of stuff.
But thank you for listening and thank you to all those who have joined me as well in Ignite. They really are, Igniters are the best people. They really, really are. It's the most fantastic community. So yeah, I'll see you next month.
I really hope you enjoyed listening to this episode of my, It's a Bonny Old Life podcast. If you did,
I'd be so grateful to you for emailing me or texting a link to the show or sharing it on social media with those you know, who might like it too. My mission with this podcast is all about sharing mine and my community's experience and hope by telling your fascinating personal stories, championing the other amazing humans in my personal, professional, and membership community.
And to create another channel through which I can support you to realize your coloured pencil and life dreams. If you haven't done so yet, please help me on my mission to spread positivity and joy throughout the coloured pencil world by following me on my socials at Bonny Snowdon Academy or by getting on my list@BonnySnowdonacademy.com. And remember, I truly believe if I can live the life of my dreams doing what I love,
then you can too. We just need to keep championing and supporting each other along the way and order to make it happen. Till next time.